I find it so sweet to watch these two together now. Only a few short months ago, Shelby was a shy, skeptic little tot, who only spoke Mandarin and loved to dance. Now she mimics everything her big sister does and is grasping the english language quickly. Shelby continues to look up to Kira and follow her around (which so far isn't a big deal to Kira now). Kira seems to adore her to no end. She dresses Shelby up and introduces her "little sister" to everyone! It really is endearing to listen or watch them engaging in conversation and play; it just confirms that we made the best decision to adopt again.
Peek a boo!
Hey sis, we gotta run for cover! The mosquitos seem to like us. And so we headed to the car and home for calomine and benadryl. Gonna have to add bug spray to my camera bag from now on.
The faces that melt my heart! Yes my girl "inked" herself with tattoos, but at least it's a Princess!
Thanks for stopping by. I will be launching a new blog and website within the next few weeks as I want to focus my work on children and high school Seniors! I've always enjoyed working with children, tweens and teens when I worked as a nurse, and now even more so that I have found my passion in photography.
First order of business will be recruiting Senior Representatives from the local NJ High Schools. And if there are any seniors out there who want to participate just email me for information at shaffer_i@comcast.net The perks are amazing, the photos even better! Stay tuned for updates.
Okay, I admit it, I am now officially addicted to the hazy late day summer light. I think it's because it challenges me to capture great images quickly while the sun is setting. I figure I get about 30 minutes of yummy warm light between 7 and 8pm. There are so many open fields here in NJ, I find that big doesn't always mean better. As one photographer put it, "think small", so when scouting for cool locations, large football sized areas are ridiculous if you're only shooting a toddler. In these photos, you'd never know that I took them on a neighbors hill facing the sunset. Behind the first portrait there is a perfect view of the pristine golf course but I didn't want the bright green grass and golfers as my backdrop, which is the problem when we run out the door for last minute shoots (when I get a crazy urge or idea) and there are golfers on the green.

Depending on the heat and bug index, I have captured some splendid photos of my big girl (who by the way has been a very willing model these days providing I include her unique facial expressions).
In the second photo I changed the position of her stool, which provided ample light without use of a reflector.
In both my images I did very little processing. I sharpened, lightened (where needed), then added two of my favorite tonal actions from Florabella's Classic Workflow, soft warmth and rosy cream (set at very low opacities). Then pulled the midtones down with the curve adjustment tool, blended on soft light and sharpened again!
Now off to plan a rather interesting themed shoot with a group of teen girls (who happen to be BFF's).
Thanks for peeking in.